+33 6 10 84 27 52 instantayurveda33@gmail.com

L'Instant Ayurveda

India at your fingertips

Ayurvedic Assessment

Ayurvedic Assessment

Ayurvedic Assessment

knowing your constitution


60 Mins



What is an Ayurvedic Assessment?
– define together your birth constitution also called Prakiti.
– explain what a Dosha (Vata/Pitta/Kapha) is
– how to live in harmony with your constitution
– offer appropriate care and nutrition.
How is the session going?
– a question and answer game
– an observation of your morphology
– Indian pulse
– language analysis.
A balance sheet follow-up (telephone or visual) will be necessary after 3 weeks in order to discuss the changes made.

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13 Avenue, Carnot, 33600

Pessac, France.

+33 6 10 84 27 52

Email: instantayurveda33@gmail.com

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